
Tuesday, 16 October 2023 at 6:00 PM

Simulcast film-screening: Above and Below the Ground

Together with GETSEA (Graduate Education and Training in Southeast Asia) and a host of other universities, SEAC will be hosting screenings of a new film on Myanmar, Above and Below the Ground, in two locations: one in Buffalo (thanks to Dr. Vida Vanchan and the Global Studies Institute at Buffalo State) and one in Albany. Anyone may also join online—GETSEA will stream the film and live discussion.

The documentary tells the story of indigenous women in Myanmar and the environmental movement they launched. The activists—including a band of punk-rock pastors—stand their ground against the Myanmar military and Chinese corporate interests in opposing the construction of the massive Myitsone Dam. The film explores how ordinary people can use the power of music, community organizing, and women’s leadership to challenge authoritarianism.